Sunday, August 1, 2010


they come and go so dang fast.
friday Zupas and The Majestic
saturday quilted and consumed 5000 calories of muddy buddies. yum.
sunday family ward (It was a good change)
monday real life begins again. Where does the time go?

In just 8 days I have to move back home.
and commute back to work/school
But... In 10 days I get to spend a whole week in Japan with Austin and his family.
I just love this boy.

Pretty soon school starts again.
Secretly I am a little bit excited inside.
Nerdy, huh.
I like going to class and staying busy
but I'm not excited to be ultra stressed about tests and grades.
I'm excited to go buy sweet new school supplies and pack my backpack.
and use my crazy cool calculator in my sweet math and physics classes-
doesn't that sound exciting? ha.


Kali said...

we just want you to know you dont HAVE to move back home :).. ha love ya!

Lynsey said...

I LOVE school supplies. I'm so glad I saw you at Zuppas. You are too cute!

Stephani said...

Yay - for super cool calculators! Nerds rule! I sure wish I was going to Japan! Love ya!