Sunday, July 11, 2010


Last week we went to our Condo in McCall.
It was crazy fun.
We went on this beautiful bike ride and ended up here...

Yesterday I cut Austin's 'mop'

I was scared to death...
and had no idea what I was doing,
so I pulled out the bowl, ha.

not too bad, eh?


Chelsey said...

His hair looks great. I was terrified the first time I didnt mitchs and I was just buzzing it. you guys are too cute.

My boy and I said...

Juli you are too cute! You really did an amazing job...I can't cut Michael's hair haha and I am sure he would never let me. You are going to make such a perfect little wife!

Unknown said...

Cute! Cute! Cute!!! Auston's hair turned out so good. Your going to be a cute little wifey!