Juli gets stressed really easy.
This is kind of common knowledge to the world.
Oh well it keeps life edgy right... haha. This semester just might be the semester I die of a bleeding ulcer (not really but my mom thinks so). Anyways I really do enjoy going to school- I love feeling like I am learning tons of new things, it makes me realize how much I don't know! But anyways I am so excited that fall is coming. I love when the leaves change colors. I love wearing cute cardigans. I love running anytime of the day I want because it's not way hot or way cold outside. I am so excited this weekend is 3 days long. whoo whoo. I totally want to go to Utah Lake (I HAVE NEVER BEEN THERE!), people say there's not much to see but I still want to go. While I am there, I totally want to just take my shoes off, roll up my pants and chase seagulls, ducks, geese, or whatever flying things there are by Utah Lake. Then maybe skip rocks, and just frolick around like I have no cares. Doesn't that sound fun? Ok maybe I'm weird but I need a little mind free-er or something.
So... I have been thinking. and I want to do a little shout out- so here goes nothin'
Shout out #1 goes to the brother. Thanks for taking me to subway. It was a good bonder. You are pretty hilarious. Your future wife will be very lucky to have such a loving, kind, thoughtful husband who truly honors his priesthood.
Shout out #2 goes to baby Moira. Baby's are so cute, fresh, innocent, perfect. Thanks little Moira for letting me smother you, and I miss you.
Shout out #3 goes to someone we'll just call "hank" to protect his identity. He is an engaged man now, but I wanted to tell him thanks for teaching me so much about life. He is one of the happiest, most thoughtful people I know. He probably doesn't read this but if you do, sorry for being a brat, and thanks for putting up with me for quite sometime. Thanks again "hank" and congrats on the engagement.
Shout out #4 goes to book publishers? thanks for nearly emptying my bank account with the high cost of textbooks.
Shout out #5 goes to slow drivers on the freeway (in the left lane aka fast lane). Thanks for teaching me a little bit about patience.
Shout out #6 goes to the coworkers. I absolutely love my job. I am so grateful that I work with way fun people. Thanks for always listening to my dilemmas/stories/drama and giving me killer advice. or just laughing at/with me. good times.
Shout out #7 goes to my institute teacher. um can I just say amazing. Thanks for teaching me about the saints in nauvoo (I'm taking church history) and how they literally risked their lives to attend the temple. It struck me hard. real hard. so- shout out to the saints in nauvoo as well.
Shout out #8 goes to the mother. well- I have a lot to say about her. but she deserves a whole post to herself so just one thing... Thanks for not kicking me out of the house because I burnt the popcorn kernels and stunk up your clean, pinesol-ish smelling, house.
Shout out #9 goes to the sistahs. yup I have the best. Steph- thanks for always commenting on my blog. haha. no really though you are so thoughtful! I love when you guys come down! Thanks for letting me "runaway" to your house on numerous occasions and not telling mom or dad haha. Tif- thanks for letting me come visit you and I love the phone calls! You are so cute and spastic. Thanks for all the advice you consistently share with me. Kali- oh hun. thanks for being like the best friend or somethin' you are so amazing. The boys just love ya (not more than I do though). And thanks for all the memories: being chased by dogs, rolling down grass hills, hannah montana, car washes, dates...
oh wow. I always write a ton. I didn't list a ton of people so... don't be offended if your name isn't on here and you think it should be... haha, I probably love you too.
5 years ago
You are so cute Juli!! Shout out to you for helping me to remember to be grateful!! :) We love you very much and are grateful you are who you are! Good luck with school and I hope you get to go to Utah lake... Josh and I went once, because I really wanted to go too and it was really stinky, so don't be disappointed. :) Love ya!
Jewels- youre so cute!! Thanks for the fun walk tonight. It was fun to just talk just us.. We probably just need to do the scoot rides again. I like those better than bike rides... so lets ride to the church and roll down the hill again!!! :) love ya!
Ohhhh - way cute shouts! It is a good thing I got a shout out - or I would stop commenting on your blog...J/K. It was fun to see you and good to know you are at Utah Lake with the one and only.
This makes me so happy! Thanks for having a blog! and being an excellent bloggger! I love reading it! You are adorable, and I want to be just like you. Thanks. :)
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