Friday, September 11, 2009


First of all... apologies for the last post. I am really not a dramatic person, it was kind of an impulsive post. I'm not really leaving Utah, it really is a good place to live (for now anyways).

I dropped this freaking hard WWII honor seminar so life is so good! I finally have a little (very little) time to breathe, think, run, eat and sleep.

Anyways we all remember what we were doing 8 years ago today. As I drove in the pitch black to my freaking 7:00 anatomy lab this morning, I was listening to the radio and they did a moment of silence at 6:46 (that is when the first plane hit). It was really neat. I remember that day in 7th grade biology class gathered around the t.v. This was the first time I realized that everyday is literally a gift from the Giver. I promised myself that day that I wouldn't take anything for granted especially my family. I wish I could say that I lived up to that promise but I haven't. It is so easy to take people and relationships for granted. But each year on this day I am reminded to treat people a little kinder, speak a little more gentle, smile a little more, thank more often, give generously, and hug others selflessly.

Today is Stephani's Birthday... whoo whoo!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY- you are so freaking old.
My sister Steph is seriously the most thoughtful person I know!

I didn't get a chance to call her today because work/school... then she was on a date with the Cobe-ster and I didn't want to interupt. I just wanted to tell her

Thanks for...
Being a second mother (seriously, I am not being facetious)
Letting me run away to your house (and not telling mom/dad), giving me a place to stay
All the phone calls
All the advice
Being the fashion expert!
All the what not to wear marathons
Being my personal chemistry and calculus tutor
Raising the cutest little girl (and teaching her jew-ah) and the bun in the oven!
The hours and hours of shopping/bonding
Letting me tag along with all your friends (when you were in HS)
Drying my tears, sympathizing, offering advice, laughing...
Reminding me how rude it is to push the snooze 50 times when others are asleep (haha)
Serving a mission (you are incredible!)
Showing me what a true testimony is about
Supporting me
Fixing dinner for me when nobody is home
Understanding that I hate bonanza (with a passion)
Putting up with me
Loving me unconditionally

Steph, you are amazing! I hope that one day I am a wonderful wife/mother like you are. You are such an example to me. I know that I haven't always been the kindest person, thanks for loving me anyways and understanding. I love you so much! Happy Birthday. woot woot.

I didn't have a ton of pictures on my comp... but anyways, other than being totally amazing she is so freaking cute and stylish I might add (Coby is one lucky man!).

Love ya Steph! Hope you had a fantabulous day. <3 your fave sistah

1 comment:

Stephani said...

I am seriously crying my eyes out...thank you so much - that meant more to me than you will ever know! You are so thoughtful! I love you so much!! You are truly amazing and I am so glad that you are my sister! Thanks again!