Saturday, January 23, 2010

monumental moments of the week.

I bought my very first pineapple today! I love buy-low market. 2 lbs of delicious pineapple for only $1. woot. I had to document this monumental moment in my life. I don't even know how to cut it... yikes.

Monumental moment #2. I changed a diaper... what is this world coming to? I needed calculus III help and that was the stipulation I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. I love little Benson, isn't he just presh?

Note the flower on my shirt... want one? well I made it and... I think I am going to start selling them! why? because I am a poor poor college student. yikes. So this is the story... Coby (the brother-in-law) and I were sitting on the couch and he said, "you should sell those (pointing to my flower) ..." and I thought for a minute, then I was like... "yeah, I should." Any who he knows someone who sells stuff like this in a little boutique (which I might end up doing) and online. So yeah...

They are so fun to pin on your shirt, in your hair, or on a purse.
Here is a better view of that other flower...
I also have a couple fern bags. made out of gunny sacks with a hand sewn label. totally organic, earthy and trendy.

If you're interested (or someone you know) in making a future purchase, let me know (even if you're a blog stocker...)- woot. thanks.


Stephani said...

So cute!! I love the that you are branching out!! I love pineapple too! I would love one of your flowers so you can count me in!

Unknown said...

Wow - The talent!! I love it. I would buy one too and a fernbag! I love the pineapple. Just remember to cut out the core...Love ya sister!

My boy and I said...

Oh those flowers are adorable Juli! I just remember when we made those cute bags together haha...and then i spilled something in mine and I had to wash it, which wasn't a good idea because it made it all wrinkly and scrunched up.

Kali said...

Ehem I would be interested in some free stuff :) you know... Like if you need an advertiser ;)

Lynsey said...

flower please! so cute jewels!

Dustin Family said...

You should totally start an online business. Josh said you can buy some ads from google or something and that it is pretty easy. Have you taken a web page design class? He said that would help. :) You're amazing and crazy and so cute!! I love you dawg!

Preston said...

Those are some cute bags and flowers I will let people know about them an give them the blog site so they can see them!!! If you ever need a pineapple cutter I am pretty much pro by now after 2 years of eating fruit everyday!!! I can even make a BOMB pineapple juice too :)