Friday, October 23, 2009

just thoughts

I finally got my new cardigan.
It is so cute.
It was a very well deserved purchase.

I love getting the mail.
It's my favorite part of the day.
Other than going to bed.
I can't wait until I get married and have my own mailbox.
My husband better not like getting the mail-
or there will be a serious problem.
I have been waiting for the nursing acceptance/denial letter-
hasn't come.
and it probably won't until the end of November.
Today when I got the mail I decided that...
I want to kiss in the rain, like in The Notebook.
Love that movie. I love the smell of the rain.
I want it to rain.

I have to register for classes on monday- yikes.
I am registering for art classes, and maybe a literature class.
and a couple PE class- I just want a cake semester.
my brain will never recover after this one.

Thank goodness for the weekend and a new cardigan. that's all.

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