Now would be a good time to find me... you see I get my braces off in exactly 5 days and 11 hrs and 22 minutes and a haircut in 6 days 10 hrs and 19 minutes. So in other words start lookin' for me because I am done waiting for you- unless of course you would like me to go on a mission (I totally wouldn't mind!). I am sick and tired of lamespice dates and the creepiness/awkwardness of the singles ward. I know that you are a nerd but it's ok, I am one too. I hope you like branflakes (no milk) and yogurt mixed together for breakfast (or oatmeal w/splenda) and that you don't get annoyed that I count out my pretzles and measure what I eat. I hope you only eat a six inch subway sandwich (oven roasted chicken breast on wheat) because if not we won't be able to split a $5 footlong. I hope you like to run because I need a running partner desperately bad. Let's go swing at the park and then go fishing. There is a stampede up in Heber next weekend (like the rodeo) and I want to go really bad... want to come? Anyways I have so much more I would like to write to you but I need to go to bed so just remember who you are and what you stand for- haha I love you!
Love- Juli
6 years ago
HAHAHA oh Juli, you are a hoot!! Hooter? no, just a hoot :) eep, that was bad, sorry. You are one funny kid. I'm glad you're my sister!! Love ya and good luck on Friday, I know you will do awesome! If I could run I would run the last mile with you.. or even give you a piggy back *sniff*
You are so cute Juli - be patient -he is out there and he will find you! You are so cute and will be loved by someone amazing! Good luck tomorrow - we love you and will be cheering you on!
Juli you are so cute. This is so funny b/c in young womens they made us write letters to our future husband and i found mine the other day.
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